Parents, do you want to help your children learn about science?
Check out this directory of online museum experiences that your family can do from home!
AAM Repository of Distance Learning
From Our Partner: Research Quest at the Natural History Museum of Utah
Note: this study has concluded at this time. The following text is available for participants' reference.
You can also receive gift cards for participating in a virtual study led by our lab, about families using resources like these at home. Your family can participate if:
- There is at least one parent/caregiver (age 18+) and at least one child (ages 3-17) in your family.
- You have access to a computer or smartphone with Internet access.
Participation involves:
- Surveys (1 hour, $20 gift card compensation)
- Optional Zoom interview (1 hour, $30 gift card compensation)
- Optional family-made video of experience (1-1.5 hours, $30 gift card compensation)
Link to Interest Form:
Study Information
The purpose of this study is to investigate how online museum resources support families’ engagement in science learning at home. There are three (3) kinds of participation in this study: a survey, an interview, and/or production of a video that shows your family engaging with an online museum resources at home. Surveys and interviews may take up to one (1) hour each. The video may take 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on your choice of online museum resource. You do not have to complete the interview or video-recording if you complete the survey. Risks related to this research include identification of family members based on demographic information in the survey and faces on video and audio. Benefits related to this research include the use of online museum resources to support at-home science learning in a difficult time, which may benefit other families in how they use online resources and museums in how they develop resources.
Link to Informed Consent/Assent language: